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Network Utilities


CACI Products Company

L*NET II.5 is a performance prediction and analysis tool for local-areanetworks (LANs). It uses simulation to allow experimentation on acomputer-based LAN model before incurring the risk and cost of committingto a proposed or modified LAN.The straightforward, user-friendly interface allows quick modeling of aLAN using LANNET's building blocks: clients, servers, and gateways.Everything is menu-driven and, in network terminology, there is noprogramming. It can be used to predict the performance of any LAN.Industry-standard protocols for Ethernet, token ring, and token ring busare built in; others can be modeled.An animated picture of the proposed LAN can be viewed. Seeing a movingpicture of the LAN in operation makes system bottlenecks and changinglevels of utilization apparent, and also builds confidence in the model.In addition to an animated picture, reports showing utilization,information throughput, and message loss are provided. Client, server,and gateway statistics show queue lengths, waiting times, and blocking.

Language: SIMSCRIPT II.5
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: FPP, color workstation and monitor, color graphics processor
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.1

CACI Products Company
3333 N Torrey Pines Ct
La Jolla, CA 92037
Phone: (619) 457-9681
Fax: (619) 457-1184